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Groovy Scratch Art: Clementine Natural Crayons

Remember Scratch Art? Many of us enjoyed revealing the rainbow colors hidden beneath smooth, dark paint.

Simply color (hard!) on a piece of heavyweight paper with Clementine natural crayons until the whole sheet is covered.

Paint a layer of dark blue, black or purple paint over the crayon and let dry.

Unfold a metal paperclip or use a wooden skewer to scrape a design into the dried paint with a crayon layer underneath.


MommyTeacher123 said...

Fun idea!

Anonymous said...

I am trying this right now, but the black paint doesn't seem to cover up the colors. Do I just need to be patient and let it dry?

Clementine Art said...

Hi Dawn,

So happy you're giving it a try. Very often, the waxy crayon will 'resist' the water-based paint, so it might need a couple of coats.

If you let it dry in between, even better.

Have fun!


susie said...

Luv your artwork! swiener1[at]tampabay.rr.com